

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (FLLD) was established in 1955, one of the original departments in Tunghai University. Since that time both the University and the FLLD have grown. Over time the FLLD became responsible for organizing undergraduate courses for English Majors, providing Freshman English courses for Non-majors, and offering language courses in German, French, and Spanish to all Tunghai students.

From 1972 to 1995 the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature also taught students in a Night Division. In 1995 the Night Division became the Second Division and the Department accepted Second Division students until 2005, when it was replaced by the current 2 sections of First Division.

In 2000 an MA Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language was created to fill the need for qualified high school English teachers. This program focuses on cultivating in-service training of its students, providing them with opportunities to practice teaching.

From 1 August 2008, the English Language Center was divided from the FLLD, and the Department redoubled its efforts in concentrating on undergraduate courses for English Majors, the MA Program in TEFL, and the university-wide language courses in German, French, and Spanish. The Department also reaches out to students outside Tunghai through its participation in a variety of teacher-training programs.