東海大學外國語文學系-最新消息-畢業公演-2010 東海外文系畢業公演:聖女貞德 Saint Joan

2010 東海外文系畢業公演:聖女貞德 Saint Joan

  • 單位 : 外國語文學系
  • 分類 : 畢業公演
  • 點閱 : 2348
  • 日期 : 2012-02-27


Dr. David Decker 德代傑副教授


Eric Wang 王祖君, Maggie Chang 張育寧, Shelly Kuo 郭亦玄, Trista Huang 黃鈺婷,Chester Chiu 邱士航, Tammy Hung 洪杏慈, Remus Chen 陳漢玉,Eva Wang 王怡文,Penny Chou 周姵汝, Brian Hwang 黃韋樺, Mia Chang 張毓珊, Miranda Liu 劉之琪, Nicholas Sumares 宋明達, Happy Huang 黃誌懿, Kathy Wu 吳宛芸, Tim Cheng 鄭旭庭, Jo Lin 林暐婷, Dick Li 李立荻, Dante Liao 廖常志, James Ruan 阮駿瑋, Alex Chang 張詔傑, Henry Chen 陳韋宏, Ryan Chen 陳柏綱

Stage Crew

Props 道具: Dick 李立荻, Trista 黃鈺婷, Timicle 吳志浩, Iris 陳柔伊, Sabrina 周欣怡, Casey 李鳳涵, Sophia 劉欣慈, Yumi 鍾妮澄, Kelly 呂凱雯, Sandy 吳宜珊, Shelly 郭亦玄
Costumes and Makeup 服裝與化妝: Tammy 洪杏慈, Penny 周姵汝, Una 何承涵, Tiffany 林庭瑄, Eacia 鄭雅馨, Maggie 李羿葶, Sapphire 賴儀珣, Eve 王育芳, Debbie 蕭珮如, Eva 王怡文, Susan 黃詩如
Lighting 燈光: Mia 張毓珊, Maggie 張育寧
Sound 音效: Eric 王祖君, Remus 陳漢玉
Public Promotion 公關: Happy 黃誌懿, Connie 李佳穎
Literary Promotion 文宣: Kathy 吳宛芸, Tina 葉菀婷, Kahlen 丘婉玉, Adelina 歐睿媛, Eva 陳巧潔, Julia 盧佩瑋, Carrie 涂秀惠, Daphne 鄒采潔
Photography 攝影: Paul 鄒秉叡, Patty 林依萍, 謝孟哲(中文系)


George Bernard Shaw's brilliant Saint Joan, a deep comedy with one tragic incident, is said to have decided the 1925 Nobel Prize. It is a story of the ending of Medieval Europe, and the emergence of national languages and identities. Joan is one of Shaw's unforgettable women, and is surrounded by political and religious types strikingly familiar to the 21st -century playgoer.

Joan's innocent enthusiasm conflicts with the mighty forces of Church and State and their supporters. She triumphs, falls, and returns in still greater triumph, canonized as Saint Joan in 1920.

In Saint Joan, Shaw demonstrates that serious does not mean somber. In a play with hilarious twists and surprises, he reveals the humor, pathos, and tragedy of the human condition.

This, perhaps Shaw's greatest dramatic work, comes to life through the hard work and energy of the graduating seniors of Tunghai's Foreign Language and Literature Department, and their sophomore and junior fellowstudents.
